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Calgary Fixer Upper Home Listings 

Interested in getting into investment properties?  Get personalized listings for Calgary fixer-uppers.


Contact Matthew Watson, a Calgary Real Estate Agent with over 11 years in residential construction, to book a free consult on strategies for buying investment properties and flipping homes. After the consult,  you will receive a customized list of homes for your specific investment property goals. 


As a realtor with extensive home construction experience, I can help assess the state of the houses you are viewing. Knowing the difference between a run down house with good bones, versus a house that needs to be torn down for an infill, is essential when considering a housing project. I always recommend a home inspection before purchase, but knowing what you are getting into during the initial search will save you both time and money. 


Think you are up for the task, but not sure what you are getting yourself into?  When comparing houses, I can advise on how much work a house is going to need, so even the greenest of flippers won’t get in over their head.



What type of house are you looking for?



A Pinterest Project

For the weekend DIY'er, just some light TLC and crafting projects


  • Fresh Paint

  • Refacing cabinets 

  • New baseboards and door casing

  • New sink and bathroom fixtures



A Serious Fixer Upper


For someone serious about flipping or making the house their own. The people who don't count painting as a renovation.


  • Replace or refinish flooring

  • Gutting the kitchen (counter, cabinets, floor)

  • Update and refinish bathrooms 

  • Fresh base and case

  • Remodeling spaces to open concept



House listings that need TLC
Fixe upper home listings, calgary

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on fixer upper and investment property

listings in Calgary

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